Friday, March 2, 2012

Exotic Animal and Birds

NHAH is a companion animal veterinary hospital. That means if an animal is domesticated and normally lives in a home environment, we see see them as patients. Obviously dogs and cats are the most common pets we see. However, several of our veterinarians also care for ferrets, birds, reptiles, rabbits, and pocket pets like hamsters and guinea pigs. We have even seen fish!

Health care for those small creatures is much different from that used to treat cats and dogs. That is why not all veterinarians treat those types of pets. If you do have an exotic pet, a pocket pet, or a bird, chances are you don't see your veterinarian unless they get sick. However, there are things you should know before owning an exotic pet.

To live long and healthy lives, exotic pets require special care. Just like dogs and cats, exotic pets need veterinary care, balanced nutrition, human interaction, and appropriate management of their environment. Because they often live in cages or enclosed environments, even more attention must be paid to your exotic pets’ housing than to that of the cats and dogs who share your home.

Each species of exotic pet has its own specific needs for housing, diet, and care. Even different types of birds require different types of housing and diet, as do the diverse small mammal pets.  Each type of reptile may need specific bedding, humidity, and types of light. No matter the differences, all exotic mammals require both medical and surgical veterinary care. For example, your pet ferrets need vaccinations and non-breeding females must be spayed. The rabbit may require special skin care, and your guinea pig may need a special diet. Birds are often in need of nail trims, beak trims, and behavioral therapy. Reptiles may require special diets, supplements, and veterinary examinations to maintain their health.

Many people live in housing situations that do not allow dogs or even cats. However, they most likely will allow other small pets as long as they are contained in their own housing. If you cannot own a dog or cat or prefer the smaller variety of pets, consider an exotic, avian, or pocket pet. They will bring just as much love and comfort, no matter their size!

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