Thursday, December 6, 2012

Adopting a new pet!

Adopting or purchasing a pet is a big decision. Our pets become our family members and live within our households for many years. That is why it is important to carefully consider whether or not it is the right time to get that new pet BEFORE you actually adopt or purchase one. Here are a few questions you can ask yourself to help make the decision:

Can I afford a pet right now? It is important that you have the financial means to provide a pet with proper care, including high-quality food and both preventive and sick-pet veterinary care. While there are many ways to make things more affordable without shortchanging your pet and great choices in pet health insurance to remove some economic uncertainty, there are still basic needs that must be covered.

Have I realistically considered the kind of pet that fits my family? You may love dogs but your lifestyle may be better suited to a cat. While it’s not true that cats care for themselves — in fact, they frequently get forgotten when it comes to veterinary care — they are much more tolerant of days alone when the family is at work or school. Take a close look at your schedule before you decide what kind of pet is best for you and your family.

Am I prepared to raise a kitten or puppy? The appeal of puppies and kittens is hard to resist but the time and expense involved in the first year of a cat or dog’s life is considerable. And if you don’t put in the time, you likely will have behavior problems. For many people, an adult pet is a great option.  

Is this the best time for me to get a pet? If everything else is favorable, is the timing right to adopt that pet? No matter how perfect the match, you will need to get the relationship off on the right "paw". That means time. We encourage clients to take a little vacation time (or even a weekend) to set up routines and introductions. The investment of a few days is worth it for a relationship that needs to last a pet’s lifetime.

Last but not least... listen to your heart. If you really are ready, then go ahead and get your new pet! Once you have done the work in your head, your heart can be open to the wonderful possibilities of your new best friend!

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