Wednesday, May 16, 2012

What can you get from your pet?


 Without proper diagnosis and treatment, pets can carry diseases that are easily transmitted to people.  Diseases transmitted from animals to humans are called zoonotic diseases.  Some of these diseases include roundworm and hookworm, both common intestinal parasites of cats and dogs.

 At New Hartford Animal Hospital, we are concerned about the health and safety of your pet and your family.  As a 4-year accredited AAHA  (American Animal Hospital Association) facility, we follow guidelines set by the Centers for Disease Control.  We use the latest technology and the most effective medications to detect, treat, and prevent parasitic infection in your pet.

How do humans get parasites from animals?

·         Being in close contact with infected animals
·         Handling animals without washing hands afterward
·         Putting contaminated objects in their mouth
·         Playing in sandboxes or soil contaminated with animal feces
·         Contaminated water

Who is most susceptible to parasitic infections?

·         Young children
·         People with puppies or kittens in the house
·         Pet owners who do not routinely deworm their animals
·         People who are on medications that compromise their immune system

How can I keep my pet from being exposed to parasites?

You can’t.  Talk to your veterinarian today about how to prevent parasitic infection in your pet and transmission to your family.

What you can do:

Wash your hands often
Frequent hand washing is one of the best ways to prevent the spread of infectious diseases. This is especially important after contact with animals or their stool.

 Safe play
Areas contaminated with dog or cat feces should be off limits to children – not only at home, but also in public areas such as parks and playgrounds. Be especially aware of sandboxes, which are likely to attract cats.

Clean the environment
Clean your pet’s living area at least once a week. Bury feces or place them in a plastic bag and put it in the trash.

Keep your pet healthy
Get regular veterinary care for all your pets. Routine vaccinations and deworming will help keep your pet healthy. New Hartford Animal Hospital recommends fecal testing four times a year to control intestinal parasites. Medications are also available to treat and prevent intestinal parasites.

Remember… healthy pet = healthy family!

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